Dr Grace O’Keeffe is the  editor at Archaeology Ireland

Dr Grace O’Keeffe, a medieval historian based in Dublin, is the new editor of Archaeology Ireland. Grace took up the post in May 2023, succeeding previous editors Sharon Greene (2018–23), Tom Condit (1998–2017) and Gabriel Cooney (1987–97).

Grace is a graduate of Trinity College Dublin. Her degree in Single Honor History focused mostly on Irish and European medieval history, but also included early Irish Christianity and the Anglo-Saxons.

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7th National Monuments Service annual archaeology conference

12 October 2024, The Printworks, Dublin Castle

Traces—the archaeology of small things

Monuments and well-preserved artefacts are what usually come to mind when we think of archaeology, but archaeologists can glean a lot from small things too. This conference will take us from the micro to the macro. In Traces of a bigger picture we will hear about how items like minuscule pollen grains can fill out the story of a peopled landscape or reveal an overlooked community; Senses of the past and Musket balls and molecules will investigate some more surprising research into the past through the senses of sound, taste and smell; and The devil in the detail takes a close look at the finer details of medieval metalwork and manuscripts to reveal the work of skilled craftspeople.

Speakers include:  Dr Susan Curran, Survey Archaeologist with the Discovery Programme and expert on the Hill of Tara; Dr Gillian Plunkett, archaeologist and palaeoecologist at Queen’s University Belfast; Dr Joshua Kumbani, archaeologist, whose research focuses on archaeoacoustics, rock art and analysis of music-related artefacts; Dr Niamh Whitfield, who specialises in the early Middle Ages, especially metalwork from Ireland and Anglo-Saxon England; Prof. Pádraig Ó Macháin, Principal Investigator on the Inks and Skins Project, an interdisciplinary project dedicated to the investigation of the materiality of the late medieval Gaelic manuscripts; culinary historian Brigitte Webster, who specialises in Tudor and seventeenth-century food; Dr Caro Verbeek, researcher of olfactory heritage at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam; and Dr Damian Shiels, archaeologist and historian, who specialises in battlefield and conflict archaeology.


In person and online:

General admission €35

Limited-time Early Bird registration: €25

Includes tea/coffee breaks and a light lunch

On-line registration €10

Includes quarterly digital subscription Archaeology Ireland and archive, value €7.00

Book here: https://bit.ly/tracesarchaeologyofsmallthings


Archaeology Ireland provides a constant stream of articles, news and features, covering many areas in archaeology including science, art, architecture, history, geography, economics, sociology, anthropology, religion and more. This magazine offers readers a broad range of well-researched, lavishly illustrated articles on a range of topics at an accessible level to all, whether it’s a passing or professional interest. Archaeology Ireland is a key reference guide for students, visitors from abroad, those in the field, and all archaeology fans with an interest in Ireland’s archaeological wonders. The magazine was founded 1987 with among others, Gabriel Cooney, Claire Cotter, Nick Maxwell, Una MacConville and Emer Condit and it become one of Ireland’s key archaeological resource. To see the contents of the latest issue or buy a single issue click on the cover image above.

The editor is Grace O'Keeffe.

Each issue carries a detailed heritage guide of a major Irish archeological site (value €20 per annum). These guides are free to subscribers only. To purchase single copies of the latest one (Archaeological discoveries at Ticknick Park, Co. Dublin) click on the image at left.






Or you can buy single copies of the latest issue or purchase our high quality binders. All sales and subscriptions are handled by theWordwell Group as a whole (of which we are a member), so clicking the links above will transfer you to the Wordwell website.

Wordwell, the publishers of Archaeology Ireland, have partnered with digital publishing experts Exact Editions to deliver this digital offering to subscribers. With the digital archive, individual and institutional subscribers alike can instantly access every published issue, from the first one in 1987 to the latest quarterly edition, creating an invaluable resource of over 100 issues of well-researched and lavishly illustrated articles, as well as over 70 Heritage Guide supplements that study a range of Irish archaeological sites in fine-combed detail.

Further details on the digital archive and digital editions are available from Exact Editions.

Further details for institutional subscriptions are available here

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