Article length

As a general rule of thumb, we accept articles up to 2500 words long – however, this is a limit, not a goal! Shorter articles are always welcome.

Note: Word count includes image captions, references, acknowledgements and any other material outside the main text of the article.

The approximate word counts/number of images to fit our layout are in the table below. Note: this is not an exact science. You might use slightly more text and fewer images, or vice versa.

  • 1 page— up to 500words and 1 pics
  • 2 pages— 800 words and 2 pics
  • 3-pages—1,200 words and 3 pics
  • 4 pages— 1500words and 5 pics
  • 5 pages— 1,900 words and 7 pics
  • 6 pages— 2, 500 words and 9 pics


  • Remember you are writing for a general audience so try to be as lively as possible. Draw the reader in with your first paragraph. Don’t start with boring locational or contract details or acknowledgement of the body involved! Avoid jargon and technical words. If they are necessary they should be explained.
  • Keep references to an absolute minimum. If you must provide a reading list it should contain a maximum of four or five titles.
  • Provide an interesting title. For example, instead of ‘A Neolithic House in Termonfeckin, Co. Louth’ you could have something like: ‘The dawn of the building industry in the North-east’. Also provide a lively subheading. For example: ‘The secrets of the universe are revealed in a shell midden in County Mayo’. If not, we may provide one for you!
  • Remember to provide captions for your illustrations.


  • Please send images a separate files. Do not embed them in the text.
  • Avoid starting with a map or drawing. Its best to have your first image as a colour photo.
  • Provide up to 3 illustrations per 500 words. So you can send in 9 pics with a 2500 word article. Grey scale and colour images should be a minimum of 300 dpi at 200mm wide for landscape and 200mm high for portrait. Bitmap or Line art should be a min 800dpi at size they are to be reproduced. Vector images as in Adobe Illustrator .ai or .eps format provide the best quality images

Other required information

Please also provide a brief biographical statement of yourself and any co-authors (about 20 words each).


  • Archaeology Ireland is published four times a year.
  • The publication dates are: 8th March, 7th June, 7th September and 4th December.
  • Contributions are accepted for consideration at any time. If you wish to be considered for a specific issue (e.g. because of a particular relevance to the time of year or event), please contact the editor as soon as possible so this can be borne in mind for the planning of that issue.
  • Articles should aim to be submitted for consideration at least two months in advance of publication. All contributions are assessed by the editor, so meeting the deadline does not guarantee inclusion in the desire issue.

Where to send it?

Please email your submissions or queries to

New items

If you have something you would like to see in our news pages, please either reach out to our news editor or send your press release to


Our ‘Events’ page can be used to promote talks, conferences or outings for free. The period covered by each issue is the three months from publication (e.g. the summer issue is for June, July and August). To have your events included please email with the details of date, time, place, host, speaker and title at least one month prior to publication. Publication dates are above.


If you are interested in advertising goods, services, events or courses in Archaeology Ireland, please email to avail of our competitive rates.

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