John C. O’Sullivan

Curator of Country Life —6 August 1934–23 September 2021 John O’Sullivan, who died aged 87 from Covid-19 on 23 September 2021, will long be remembered as one of the great servants of the National Museum of Ireland, where he was the senior curator of the Folklife section of the then Irish Antiquities Division. The folklife collection had been established from the 1930s to show the antiquity and continuity of indigenous craft traditions and to explain how archaeological artefacts might have been used. Thecollection also gradually came to acquire more mass-produced bygones, which it was hoped would someday make their way into a national folklife museum along the lines of those pioneered in Scandinavia,…

Seán McGrail

Seán McGrail, Master Mariner and Ship Archaeologist, May 1928–June 2021 With an Irish heritage, Seán McGrail was brought up in Leeds, from where, as the first grammar school boy to gain entry to Dartmouth Naval College, he went on to distinguish himself in two careers. He served in…